The HOLMES experiment

INFN Fellowships for non-italian citizens 2023

The 2024/2025 INFN Fellowship Programme offers n. 20 positions for research activity in Experimental Physics.

Eligible candidates are non-Italian citizens.

To find out more about the fellowships (bando n. 25865):!bandi/ASSEGNI

INFN research activity in Milano include HOLMES, CUORE, CUPID, PTOLEMY and R&D on KID microcalorimeters and on superconducting quantum devices. Visit our low temperature detector laboratory web page.

Applications, in electronic form, must be sent to INFN not later than November 15th , 2023 (11:59 a.m. CET) through the INFN website

In case of interest please contact Angelo Nucciotti (or anyone here) as early as possible.