====== Attività di Ricerca ====== \\ La mia attività di ricerca si svolge nell'ambito del gruppo [[http://crio.mib.infn.it/wig|WIG]] (Weak Interaction Group) dell'Università di Milano-Bicocca. In particolare mi occupo dello sviluppo di [[http://artico.mib.infn.it/nucriomib|Rivelatori Termici per la Fisica del Neutrino]]. \\ \\ {{:public:ltd-for-numass.arxiv.pdf|The Use of Low Temperature Detectors for Direct Measurements of the Mass of the Electron Neutrino}}, Advances in High Energy Physics (2016) 9153024 \\ \\ Sono disponibili [[public:offerta_tesi|tesi]] sugli argomenti presentati in questa pagina. ===== HOLMES ===== Lo [[http://erc.europa.eu/|European Research Council (ERC)]] ha recentemente (Luglio 2013) approvato il finanziamento per la proposta di Advanced Grant: //The Electron Capture Decay of 163Ho to Measure the Electron Neutrino Mass with sub-eV sensitivity - HOLMES// (PI Prof. S. Ragazzi) \\ \\ * {{:public:1412.5060.pdf|HOLMES - The electron capture decay of 163Ho to measure the electron neutrino mass with sub-eV sensitivity}} Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75: 112\\ * {{:public:ect_nucciotti.lowres.pdf|Talk}} given at //Determination of the absolute electron (anti-)neutrino mass//, European Centre for Theoretical Studies ECT, Trento, April 4-8, 2016\\ * [[https://holmes0.mib.infn.it/|HOLMES web page]]\\ * [[http://www.unimib.it/link/news.jsp?1736856899873264443|Press Release]]\\ {{:public:img:drawing_shad.png?200|}}{{:public:img:erc-logo.png?200|}} ===== Sviluppo di micro-risonatori superconduttivi per la fisica del neutrino ===== R&D finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo (International Recruitment Call 2010)\\ * {{:public:trasparenze:microresonators_proposal_excpt.pdf|estratto dal proposal}}\\ * {{:public:articolo_ltd14.pdf|Manuscript}} presentato a LTD-14, luglio 2011, Heidelber (Germania) \\ {{:public:img:nuovologo_fc_300.jpg?300|}} ===== MARE ===== * [[http://crio.mib.infn.it/wig/silicini/proposal/proposal_MARE_v2.6.pdf|MARE proposal]] * [[http://mare.dfm.uninsubria.it/|MARE Web Pages]] * {{:public:trasparenze:new_instruments_for_neutrino_relics_and_mass_2008.pdf|"the MARE project: the calorimetric approach potential"}}, presentato a New Instrumemts for Neutrino Relics and Mass, CERN, Dicembre 2008 * {{:public:talk-madison09-small.pdf|"the MARE project"}} presentato presso Wisconsin University, Madison, July 27th, 2009 * {{:public:sensitivity_paper.pdf|"Expectations for a new calorimetric neutrino mass experiment"}}, A. Nucciotti et al., Astropart. Phys. **34** (2010) 80 ([[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2010.05.004|disponibile online]]) * {{:public:trasparenze:nucciotti_angelo_friday_iii.pdf|"Neutrino mass calorimetric searches in the MARE experiment"}}, A. Nucciotti, presentato a //Neutrino 2010//, 14-19 Giugno, Atene, Grecia (proceeding manuscript: [[http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/1012.2290v1|arXiv:1012.2290v1]]) * "The Electron Capture Decay of 163-Ho to Measure the Electron Neutrino Mass with sub-eV Accuracy", M. Galeazzi et al., {{:public:1202.4763v2.pdf}} * {{:public:trasparenze:nucciotti_ltd15-small.pdf|“Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrino Physics”}}, A. Nucciotti, presentato a //15th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors//, 24 - 28 Giugno 2013, Pasadena, USA {{:public:foto:array.jpg?300|}}{{:public:img:setup.png?300|}}{{:public:img:dsc_0130-cut.jpg?200|}}\\ {{:public:img:elba09.jpg?300|}}{{:public:img:ltd13.jpg?300|}} ===== CUORE ===== * [[http://artico.mib.infn.it/nucriomib/general-infos/cuore-cryostat-reaches-6-mk|Il criostato di CUORE si raffredda a 6 mK]] * [[http://crio.mib.infn.it/wigmi|CUORE Web Pages]] * Multimedia [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=pF_1SDtL4OA|youtube video da bnews tv]] * {{:public:trasparenze:iopbcccryocoolers2008.pdf|"CUORE Cryogenic System Design"}} presentato a IOP/BCC Meeting on Cryocoolers, marzo 2008, Southampton (UK) * {{:public:poster_ltd14_large.pdf|Status of the cryogen-free cryogenic system of the CUORE experiment}} presentato a LTD-14, luglio 2011, Heidelber (Germania) (proceeding manuscript: {{:public:trasparenze:paper-ltd14.pdf|}}) {{:public:img:assieme_cuore1.jpg?600|}}{{:public:img:poster-ltd14.jpg?300|}} ===== Informazioni varie ===== * [[Rivelatori termici]]